Have you verified your matched4life profile?
Only singles with verified profiles will be able to view other profiles and will be able to contact others. Make sure your profile is verified! Check your profile status on the My Profile tab.
Do get in touch if you need any assistance.
We are in the process of getting the verification of 200+ Singles done. Appreciate your patience and co-operation.

Increase in Online Fraud
The COVID-19 pandemic brought into the world a host of problems. While work from home and connecting remotely brought in benefits, it also increased the opportunity for all kinds of frauds. Identity theft, account takeovers at financial institutions, impersonation by job applicants, fake profiles on matrimonial sites, etc.
With matrimonial fraud cases on the rise, Mumbai Police has issued an advisory for prospective brides and grooms to avoid being cheated of their money
Recent fraud case
Hindustan Times Article – Read the full article here
“Fraudsters usually target women and men who are elder are desperate to get married. They usually claim to be working in foreign countries as the verification in such cases becomes furthermore difficult. Once they identify the target, the frauds befriend them and after gaining their trust, they start cheating the victim,” a senior police officer said.
Giving examples, police said that 29-year-old Aditya alias Tanmay Mhatre posed as a scientist with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) or with the US government’s civilian space program agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on matrimonial sites. He cheated more than fourteen women to date, the police said.

He cheated more than fourteen women to date, the police said.

Mhatre initially shows reluctance in meeting prospective brides but once they insist, he keeps the meeting at a five-star hotel where he comes in a chauffeur-driven car to impress the women.
Once he gains their confidence, he starts demanding money. The police said he claims to have cheated over 50 women, however, they have found only fourteen cases against him registered in Pune, Navi-Mumbai, Mumbai and Thane jurisdiction.
In a recent case, he took ₹14.36 lakh from a woman and was demanding another ₹25 lakh claiming that his mother was serious. Mhatre was arrested on January 13, 2022.
… he keeps the meeting at a five-star hotel where he comes in a chauffeur-driven car to impress the women.
“While dealing on matrimonial portals one should be very careful. Verifying the background of the person dealing with is very important. If possible, the prospective bride or bridegroom should also verify from the employer about the details of the person, they are interested in. Most of the matrimonial portals don’t have any system to verify the profiles which are uploaded on their portals. They don’t have proper Know Your Customer (KYC) of the people, neither do they take any responsibility as they act only as a medium. However, marriage is a sensitive issue which needs to be dealt with very carefully,” said Shah.

… Verifying the background of the person dealing with is very important

Verifying Profiles is Critical
Verifying profiles on a matrimonial site is critical to ensuring the legitimacy and trustworthiness of those who use the service.
All our profiles are verified by a local church pastor/leader. Moreover, there is an aadhar verification, phone and email verification and other checks to help authenticate the identity of a person.
Your Privacy is Maintained
Although we verify profiles, your privacy is maintained. Personally identifiable details like your name, church, mobile, email, address are NOT displayed on the app.
It is up to you to share these details with a person on the app at an appropriate juncture.

Go Ahead and Verify Your Profile
So go ahead and verify your profile. You will need the following:
1. A Pastor Code from your local church pastor/leader
2. One or more photos of your self
3. A softcopy of your aadhar card (for resident Indians), passport copy/proof of residence for those out of India.
4. You mobile no. to be verified with an OTP
5. Your email to be verified with a PIN
If your are stuck at any point please whatsapp or call our team to assist you.